Noise Reduction Technique - Quartz DMS Kit
Noise Reduction Technique - Quartz DMS Kit
The Future of Wired Audio: Quartz Diamagnetic Metasurfaces (DMS) near audio connections.
Lowers the noise floor of your audio system.
Doubles as a science toy! - It’s just basic physics! Hold either N or S side of any magnet about 1mm away from any quartz chunk held in your other hand and you will feel them very gently repelling each other. That’s diamagnetism! It’s actually a measurable physical force!
(If you can’t find a fridge magnet to try this experiment with, there is a magnet underneath the Apple logo that centers magsafe charging in most iPhones)
Enhances performance of audio connections
Reverse compatible upgrade that now comes standard in new Blumenstein speakers and cables.
Universally compatible with other audio gear from other manufacturers.
Cumulative improvements to sound quality as you upgrade more parts of your system.
Diamagnetism in quartz: quartz, being a diamagnetic material, has physical properties that cause it to gently but measurably repel either North or South magnetic fields. In electronics, this means that when quartz is placed near audio cable connectors, it gently repels stray electromagnetic fields back into the connector. This can reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) by gently reflecting the original signal back into the connector, thereby slightly boosting the signal to noise ratio. This extremely cost effective noise reduction technique works on RCAs, XLR’s, speaker binding posts, AC plugs, USB cable ends, or any other important audio component connector that has a piece of quartz strapped to it.
The kit is simple - I send you appropriate heatshrink “straps” to hold pieces of quartz to the audio connectors in your system based on photos you send me of your components.
Diamagnetism is actually basic physics that can be taught to second or third graders. Diamagnetism is just the third branch of magnetism as described by Micheal Faraday in 1845, but is typically taught in grad school. I think that commonplace educational omission is a major opportunity lost to awaken scientific curiosity in the environment that surrounds us.
Strategically placing quartz near audio connectors helps improve sound quality by gently, passively boosting the music signal against the background of noise and interference. This is especially important in high-end audio equipment where even small improvements can have a noticeable effect on the listening experience.
- Brief consultation, pre-cut heat shrink pieces, and quartz pebbles included in the kit.
Quartz vs. Neodymium magnet. (Video is sped up)
Deeper Dive
Diamagnetism is the third branch of magnetic properties (after Ferromagnetism and Paramagnetism). Diamagnetism is the measurable physical force underlying Blumenstein Audio’s Quartz DMS kit. You can demonstrate this to yourself at home, with basic experiments (similar to the video above) by following the additional science toy instructions that accompany each kit.
Antennae miniaturized with DMS techniques are now ubiquitous inside cellphones, otherwise antennae would be 4 ft long or look like rabbit ears on old TV’s.
Have you ever noticed that a weak AM/FM radio station comes in a little clearer when you almost touch the antennae? Like many people, I spent years wondering about this common place phenomenon. Eventually I found out that no, it wasn’t my aura. There are actually tangible underlying physics (and patents) behind the improvement to signal quality when you place your hand (or most anything else that is diamagnetic like bismuth or clear quartz) next to a consumer radio antennae.
The development of the practice in radio (from the best of my current understanding) actually dates back to WWII when GI’s were stranded on islands, trying just about anything to boost their field radio transmissions to far away rescue crews.
What’s going on? Your body is ~70% water. Water is diamagnetic. An analogous framework is to think of your body like a “dull mirror” to radio waves (or any magnetic field). Bring that dull mirror nearby a radio receiver antennae and suddenly the static goes away and the station might come in better than it could otherwise. The station comes in clearer because the radio waves that are transmitted from miles away at hundreds of thousands of watts spread out in all directions and dissipate quickly (inverse square law) until they finally have to bend slightly around your body (because the water in your body is diamagnetic). This bending/reluctance of the magnetic fields to pass through your body creates a small zone of increased magnetic field line density right next to your skin. When you bring that zone of increased flux density (from the radio station) next to a cheap, consumer grade table radio antennae, the signal might come in dramatically better, depending upon circumstances.
Diamagnetism is a property of all materials to varying degrees and can be physically demonstrated/measured as the gentle repulsion of either North or South (hence, Dia-) magnetism. The physical force, as you can see in the speed up video above, is incredibly weak compared to ferromagnets like permanent magnets or electromagnets. But! The key quality of Diamagnetism that is relevant to audio signals is that it is non-polarized, I.E. repels either N or S poles. Audio signals are quickly alternating electrical fields in proportion to the music which travel down the signal chain of cables and amplifiers until it gets to the speaker).
Even though audio systems use wired connections, the magnetic field lines still spread out in all directions from the cable and especially the connectors. Transformers leak magnetism… everything leaks, even when “shielded.” These magnetic “leaks” and abrupt shifts in cable geometry for instance once the signal enters the connector, solder joint, or other electrical weak point is where the use of Quartz DMS i.e. “dull mirrors” can turbo charge these weak points - common to all audio systems.
There were already a number of existing patents around the topic of Diamagnetic metasurfaces (using metamaterials such as bismuth, carbon, etc.) near radio antennae. A metasurface is any surface that is nearby, but not connected to the antennae in order to reflect part of the signal into the antennae.
There is already a small community of audiophiles on Audio Asylum and other audio forums using Diamagnetic metamaterials like quartz, bismuth, etc. along their signal path. The consensus seems to be that the technique was sonically worth it whether or not they actually understood the underlying physics of why the sound quality improves. For my brain, it was too frustrating for this seemingly basic phenomenon to not have a rational explanation.
Fast forward a few years and eventually, I landed on quartz as the best sounding, most versatile, easiest diamagnetic material to apply in a simple, streamlined method along audio signal paths: quartz!
The subjective sonic effect of the Quartz DMS kit is that it passively lowers the noise floor. To try to put this into even more plain english, “lowering the noise floor” is like when “the static goes away.” The music opens up in whole new ways. Audio systems without DMS for connectors begin to sound greyscale in comparison. It is my current theory that the Quartz DMS kit cannot hurt the sound quality of your system by virtue of what the goal of High Fidelity is.
DMS are typically applied at the connector, such as an RCA connector, banana, or spade connector. But even professional connectors like XLR, Speakon, AC plugs, and DACs, USB cables, circuit breakers and even wall outlets benefit from Quartz DMS. Probably, anywhere there is solder or a physical connection within or peripheral to the audio signal path (including whatever feeds the power supply (even battery power supplies)) may find benefit in sound quality from using Diamagnetic Metamaterials (DMM).
For the circuit designers reading this: There may be new methods of PCB or point to point circuit design suggested by incorporating these DMM near key components of the circuit, within the amp chassis and/or nearby terminal strips(?) Wouldn’t hurt to try… Just go check out the various scientific papers on topics like “Diamagnetic metasurfaces for performance enhancement of microstrip patch antennae.”
Behind the scenes, other materials and methods of attachment were ruled out through trial and error. We have since been using the Quartz DMS kit inside most of the Blumenstein speakers and cables that we shipped out since 2021. Based upon the overwhelmingly positive feedback we’ve received about the sound quality, I finally decided to offer this kit as an upgrade.
It is important address the culture of skepticism (mostly deserved) that surrounds the audio tweaks industry.
When faced with these dilemma,
It is worth bearing in mind,
It is the task of science
To wrest the truth
From the jaws of superstition.
Quartz has many industrial applications, most of them are now well understood, but once poorly understood. For instance, a key industrial application of ultra high purity synthetically grown quartz is found in the timing chips used in computer circuitry to synchronize distant operations, such as the way you are able to read this text right now. (thanks for reading the whole thing, your discount code at checkout is “CHRONO”). So it really shouldn’t surprise people from a scientific, engineering or inquisitive background that something as versatile as quartz, the “salt of industry,” has yet another valid industrial application when judiciously used within audio systems.
Initially I tried to use bismuth metal for this kit, but solid bismuth is crumbly and fragile, even when stabilized by glues and placed underneath heat shrink. Quartz on the other hand is readily available, inexpensive, physically robust, stays put underneath heatshrink, and most importantly, sounds about right. (yes, different diamagnetic metamaterials, even different varieties of quartz all seem to have their own “flavor” under more careful study)(because of impurities/inclusions).
In Summary:
Quartz DMS near audio connections is a basic, great sounding upgrade for everybody, not just extreme audiophiles with expensive equipment. It happens to be compatible with almost any other audio products from any other audio company. Quartz is already the main choice of the DIY community of audiophiles who already use this noise reduction technique.
Universal compatibility: Kits are reverse compatible with any prior Blumenstein Audio products and are universally compatible with most products from other audio companies. Even cheap audio gear like computer speakers can benefit from this upgrade. However, audio systems that are already very good, can become something almost entirely different and transportive.
Contents: One Quartz DMS kit contains enough diamagnetic materials to upgrade two pair of RCA cables, one pair of speaker cables, or one pair of speaker cabinets. Specify what component you are upgrading in the add’l notes at checkout or just send me pictures of what you are trying to upgrade and I’ll price out the kit and size / pre cut the materials appropriately.
How long should you wait? It typically takes less than 30 seconds for people to notice the difference in sound quality on their favorite tracks once they install the Diamagnetic meta materials in the right places. If you can’t hear an audible improvement after proper installation of the Quartz DMS kit in your audio system within 30 days, then I guarantee your money back.